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About Us


Don't let our "Democrats 2020" designs fool you, we are not fans of either party (Newsflash: bullshit artists and miscreants abound on both sides of the aisle...).

Like our name and tagline explicitly state, we're interested in truth.

But when your only options are "creeping tyranny" or "imminent descent into INGSOC", rational minds choose the former.

And when it’s also clear that the Fourth Estate and Academia have been co-opted by the Fifth Column, rational minds get to work at figuring out how to effectively re-seed the mental landscapes that those quislings have been poisoning.

Of course, logic then dictates that one must:

1- Create numerous books that deftly utilize satire to point out the absurdity of what’s going on.

2- Create t-shirts with groovy trademarked-logos and catchy taglines that diplomatically state the facts.

3- Write product descriptions for those t-shirts that help endear potential customers to each design.

4- Put up some billboards and see if they get any traction. (They did not get any traction. And so, a few thousand dollars later, we've decided to pivot away from our original plan of allocating $5.00 from the sale of each t-shirt and $1.00 from the sale of each book toward the rental of billboards nationwide. Click on the "Billboards" link above to view the billboards that we did put up :)   

5- Give like-minded content creators and activists a large cut of the profits, in the hopes that they'll each scrupulously examine your website, realize that you're on the same team, and then tell their other supporters about your superb products and unique business model. (We refer to it as the Goodwill Advertising Strategy - or "GAS" in shorthand. Relax; it's environmentally friendly.

5a - In other words, we give $5.00 from the sale of each t-shirt and $1.00 from the sale of each book to content creators and activists. Here's how we do it: at the end of each month, we will divide the total amount of such funds by five, and we we'll give those funds to whichever five content creators and activists that we choose (your recommendations are appreciated). We will announce the winners by way of a post on the top of the "Videos" page.  

6- Put serious consideration into the idea of starting a YouTube channel that will help spread your message. Give one t-shirt away in each video to the viewer who leaves the most entertaining and/or thought provoking comment (yes, even a negative comment!). See our "Videos" page.

7- Recommend that anyone who feels the need to gather more “About Us” information should call the number 914-332-3200 without delay, in order to engage in a conversation that will put their inquisitive mind at ease. (That's 914 - 332 - Thirty-two Hundred :)

8- ***In the spirit of full disclosure, here is the explanation for certain changes that we recently made to our products and pricing, etc - in case anyone noticed: 

a- We stopped printing an additional image on the back of the shirt (below the neck); we did this because we intend to eventually have our products printed by a third-party website such as Redbubble or Teespring. Having them print in two locations would make the cost of printing too high, so we decided to remove the back of the neck image now, in order to enable a smooth transition and not have any customers feel slighted. 

b- We stopped giving out UnionOfTruth membership cards with each t-shirt order; we did this because doing so in conjunction with the above-mentioned changes in production practices would be a logistical nightmare. 

c- We are now only including a free "Democrats 2020" pin with the t-shirts that have a Democrats 2020 design. We did this because we only have a certain number of pins on hand and we will not continue to provide them when we transition to the third-party websites for production.

d- We were giving content creators and activists $10.00 from the sale of each t-shirt, but now we are giving them $5.00. We did this because we have lowered our price. (We also eliminated our "Coupon Codes" system of having customers choose which content creators and activists the $$$ from their purchase would go to; we did this for the same reason mentioned above in section "b"). 

e- We lowered the price for our t-shirts by $10.00 because of what's been mentioned above - we aim to provide a good value to our customers, while making enough of a profit to be able to give content creators and activists a noteworthy cut from each sale. 

If you have any questions, please contact us.
